Thursday, March 31, 2011

Our grass needs some help...

This photo makes me laugh.  The Alfalfa hair, the look that says, "Why are you taking my picture when I'm waiting on you to look the other way so I can eat this weed?"  Funny girl.  :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My baby doesn't like to swing...

Making her mad face...
trying to escape...
making the face while trying to escape.

Clearly annoyed with the whole situation.

My first born loves to swing...

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Wee Ball!

Cooper had his first two wee ball practices this weekend, and oh my gosh the cuteness was overwhelming!  Cooper is lucky enough to be on a team with some of his good buddies, so that just makes it more fun for him and for us!

What is wrong with this baby?

She made this mess...

from my ficus tree while I was loading the dishwasher.  When I came back into the den she started to cry because she knew I was going to make her stop.  :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Bye bye milk allergy?

I have been dying to post this and yet scared to jinx it at the same time!  I *THINK* Ella has outgrown her milk allergy!  Yayyayyayyayyay!  She hasn't reacted to milk in my diet (as far as I can tell) since Valentine's Day!  Any time before that I had any little bit of milk, she would have the yuckiest runny nose and have an upset stomach.  So far she hasn't shown any symptoms this time.  She caught a little cold from Cooper last week, and I was worried when I first saw that runny nose.  She is doing much better though, and I truly think it was just a little cold.  SOOOOO... I am praying/hoping/wishing/crossing my fingers that she truly has outgrown this milk allergy!  I have prayed all along that she wouldn't have to worry with an allergy all her life, or be dangerously allergic.  And everyone who knows me understands that I am loving being able to eat cheese, chocolate, and ice cream again! 

Here are some pictures of Miss Ella...

Her 10 month picture (in 3-6 month shirt and pants haha):
Battling over the bow... :P

Reading already haha!