Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Ella is 8 months old!

I've started a blog no less than 10 times since Cooper was born, then never followed through with posting it anywhere or keeping up with it. Sort of random to start a blog now, but I feel like Cooper and Ella are changing every day and growing up so fast. Writing about them here with help me remember and keep up with everything they're doing. So here we go...

We have been so busy lately getting ready for Christmas! (Which is 4 days away and I have hardly wrapped any presents! Needless to say I will be in a wrapping frenzy every night after the kids are in bed.) Anyway, Cooper is so excited about Christmas! He's old enough now to understand that he can ask for specific things and Santa/family will (try) to get them for him. He has loved looking at all the catalogs and pointing out that he "needs" everything inside. And if he doesn't "need" it, Ella does. She "really really really" needed a big remote control car last week "so she could crawl after it while I (Cooper) drive it". Such a thoughtful big brother.

On that note - Cooper is having to learn how to handle Ella getting into his things now that she's crawling everywhere and into EVERYTHING. It's hard for Chris and I to know what things are just his and should be off limits to her, and how much Cooper just needs to learn to share and let her mess with his things. Cooper has gotten very good at the art of distraction. He can usually give her another toy and get back whatever she has that he doesn't want her to play with. However, Miss Ella adores her brother and would crawl 100 miles to be close to him and play with whatever he has instead of her own toys that are much less interesting. Keeps us very busy making sure that Cooper is being kind and Ella doesn't grab anything dangerous for her.

Speaking of crawling, Ella has become so mobile! She can crawl pretty fast and pull up on anything she can get a hold of. She likes to crawl with her right leg sort of taking a step every so often. Very hard to describe and very funny to watch. It's like she wants to walk but can't figure that out so she'll half walk/half crawl for now.

She has learned to give kisses, play peek-a-boo, wave hello and goodbye, say "Dada" (though Chris and I are still debating whether or not she knows what she's saying), give kisses, dance (more of just a booty pop but absolutely hilarious) and stick her lip out to pout whenever she is not getting her way. She is so full of personality and absolutely precious! We say all the time, "She is just so sweet!" She loves to smile and loves loves loves her brother. She just lights up whenever he talks to her. She has always been crazy about her daddy, and has him tightly wrapped around her finger... especially with this whole "Dada" thing. :)

Cooper has become so grown up! I can't believe he is 3 1/2 years old! He is just the sweetest, funniest, smartest, cutest little guy I know. He constantly amazes us with what he knows, understands, and can figure out.

Chris and I are very blessed and so looking forward to Christmas with our babies!


  1. Hahahaha! I feel the same way! I've started a million blogs & never posted them either!
    I LOVE it! I think its an amazing way to keep everyone posted on everything! Love you dear & I enjoyed reading your first post!
