Sunday, January 30, 2011

Wintertime Fun!

Now that we are all feeling better (and hoping to stay that way) we have been busy, busy, busy!  This week we took Cooper to the circus.  We went last year, and he loved it.  He kept asking when the circus would come back!  So we knew we would take him again this year when the time came.  We went again with Angie, Wes and Miller (like last year).  Cooper and Miller are so funny together!  I love listening to them talk to each other.  On the ride to the circus, they were sitting beside each other in their car seats, and Ang and I were eavesdropping behind them.  Cooper had this little pack of tissues and he said, "Miller, would you like a tissue?"  Miller said, "Yes."  So Cooper hands him one, waits a second and says, "Miller, would you like another tissue?"  Miller: "Yes."  Then Cooper says, "Miller, you don't need so many tissues."  Hahaha.  Poor Mills - he just goes along with whatever Cooper says.  On the way home Cooper said, "Do you know this is a city Miller?  I know the name of it - New York City."  (not even close - Charlotte, NC)  But the funny part is that Miller said, "Sure, why not."  :) They both fell asleep on the way home, holding the elephants they chose as souvenirs.  Precious boys!

Today the weather was sooooo nice!  The kind of day that makes you start looking forward to spring even though you know you're probably facing two more months of winter weather.  So we took advantage of the pretty day and went to the park with Brooke and Kennedy.  We went on a walk and the kids fed the ducks, then they played on the swings, slides, climbing things, and a zip line.  I put Ella in a swing for the first time and in typical Ella fashion she was less than impressed.  She smiled at first, then death gripped the swing in sheer terror, then screamed at the top of her lungs until I took her out.  She is a *bit* of a drama queen!  :)

Note the death grip on the swing.  Right before the screaming ensued.  :P
One more... Ella Kate 9 months old!

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