Saturday, December 25, 2010

A White Christmas!

Today was the first time we've had a White Christmas in our area since 1947! For Ella's 1st Christmas! How special is that? I love snow... and since this was my first White Christmas as well, it just added to the excitement of my favorite holiday!

What a great Christmas we had! This was the first year that Cooper really understood that you could ask Santa Claus for the things you wanted, and he would (probably) bring them to you. The two main things he really wanted from Santa were a "big barn with lots of animals and a big race track for my cars". So he was THRILLED with his barn and his race track when he saw them this morning. He was so happy with everything he received. He is so appreciative!

Miss Ella l
iked her stuff just fine, but she was much more interested in playing with the toys that are in the den all the time (like Cooper's building blocks) while he was distracted with his new stuff and wasn't saying, "No Ella, that's dangerous" (his new favorite line). :) Funny girl!

But back to the snow... after we finished opening presents at our house we headed out to Nana and Pop's house for breakfast. The snow was just getting started and so pretty! After breakfast and presents at Nana and Pop's, we loaded back up and went to Grammy and Papaw's for lunch and (more) presents. When we left to come home from there the snow was really coming down. It was so much fun to see snow on Christmas Day! After nap, Cooper and Chris went
out to play in it for a few minutes before we piled in Chris's truck to go to my Grandma's for supper and (yet again more) presents. Cooper and Ella were absolutely exhausted by the time we came home. When I was tucking Cooper into bed tonight he asked me if we were going to celebrate Jesus' birthday again tomorrow. :) At least with all the visiting and all those presents he still remembered the reason for it all! Sweet sweet boy.

I am feeling so so blessed and happy that my children had such a great Christmas and are so loved my our family. They are very fortunate kids!

I hope you all have enjoyed your day as much as we have! Merry Christmas

1 comment:

  1. As Cooper told me, "This is the best Christmas ever!" You are right- our family is truly blessed. Love your blog- and you- Mom
