Thursday, April 21, 2011

Ella Kate is 1 year old!

Ella is one year old today!  She is so much fun!  She has started responding to things we say more.  She understands (but doesn't always comply haha) when you ask her to give you something she has, or to come to you, or tell her no.  She will look for family members if you say, "Where is Cooper?"  "Where is Daddy?" etc.  She shakes her head no in answer to most questions, and loves to say, "Nah, nah, nah." when you are doing something she doesn't like (ex: take her out of the bathtub, change her diaper, take a toy away).  Occasionally she will nod, but most of the time she hasn't mastered the difference between nodding and shaking her head.  She still makes her mad face where she pushes her lips out like a duck.  Her sad face is the most pitiful face ever!  She sticks her bottom lip out and makes a circle out of her sweet little mouth.  So precious!

She waves, blows kisses, claps, motions "come here", stands alone well, crawls fast as lightning, takes several steps on her own, and has finally mastered drinking from a cup all of the time.  She says, "Dada, bye bye, nah (no), bah (ball), duck, and dah (dog).

She loves to look at books, but only when she can hold the book, turn the pages, and close the book whenever she feels like it.  She would follow her brother to the ends of the earth.  She adores him and wants to do anything and everything he does.  She can take several steps at a time now, but if she realizes she is moving away from a place to hold on to, she will squat down to the floor and crawl.  She loves to eat!  Some favorites are cheerios, vanilla wafers, any kind of fruit, rice cakes, cheesy grits, corn, chicken, and green beans.

As quickly as this year has flown by, it seems like Ella has always been a part of our lives.  She is such a blessing in our family!  I can't even describe how much I love her and her dimpled little grin!

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