Friday, January 6, 2012

Love my girl...

Miss Ella is quite full of personality these days.  She is such a sassy, funny, sweet little lady.  I want to remember everything about her at this age, so I'm going to write down some of the funny, cute things she says and does so I won't forget.

She loves to say, "You's" as in "You's coat Bubby?"  "You's shoes Mommy."  Especially funny since we live in the south.  :)

She says so many phrases and is putting words into sentences really well.  Some of her faves... "I get it."  "I fix it."  And anything ending with - ing... "I running!"  "I coming!"  "I going!"  "I hiding!"

She loves to play hide and seek with Cooper.  She'll look for him saying, "Bubby, where IS you?" 

She also loves to say "ont" (want).  When she wakes up, the first thing she says is, "Ont Bubby".

If she's not calling Cooper "Bubby" or "Bubba" she'll call him "Coopee".  She has only said "Cooper" a couple of times.

She has really good manners.  She says, "peez", "tanks", "tank you", "welcome" and "scuse me."  She will also say, "soddy" whether she actually should or not.  She will apologize even when she did nothing wrong.  Like if Cooper bumps into her she'll say, "Oh soddy".  Bless her.

She recently has decided she wants to be rocked to sleep at night.  This is such a change for her!  She has always practically dived out of my arms to get to her crib every night.  She'll say, "Rock Mommy."  And as soon as I sit down, "Sing!"  She can help say her prayers at night (saying sleep, keep, night, light and Amen), and sing along to "You are My Sunshine".  She can hum the tune and catch some words while I sing, but she can also say the words at the end of each line to "You Are My Sunshine" too (sunshine, happy, gray, dear, you, take, away).  She still sleeps with puppy every night (Cooper's old build-a-bear dog Froglina).

When we got the puppies for the kids for Christmas, Ella's dog Daisy had a red collar and Cooper's dog Trixie had a black collar.  We took them to PetSmart to let them pick their own collars.  Cooper picked this black and pink collar, but I told him I thought a different brown and pink one would be cuter because the puppies are brown.  So his was mostly brown with a little pink.  We let Ella pick from a couple that matched, and she picked one that was mostly pink.  Then she got upset and was pitching a fit about something, so she and Chris were walking around a little while Cooper and I still looked around.  I started to feel bad because I knew I sort of convinced Cooper to get a different collar, and we had agreed to let him pick whatever he wanted, so I told him if he really liked the first collar best, he could get that one.  So he did and since Ella was gone with Chris, I just picked one that sort of matched his - a light pink and gray one.  That night we put their new collars on after the kids went to bed.  When we were playing with the puppies the next morning, Ella insisted that Trixie was Daisy and Daisy was Trixie.  She just new that the bright pink collar was the one she picked (the one she picked did have a lot bright pink, and the one I changed it to had light pink).  She kept on and on pointing to Trixie (Cooper's) and saying, "No.  Mine!"  Then pointing to Daisy and saying, "You's.  Trixie."  So funny.  It didn't matter what Cooper and I said or how many times we tried to explain it to her, she was convinced that we had them mixed up and that Daisy was the one in that pink collar.  I finally took Daisy's new collar off, put her old red one on and said, "See Ella?  That's Daisy."  Then she said, "Oh Daisy!  Hey!"  Funny funny girl.  I think we'll keep her.  :)

1 comment:

  1. You just wrote a post about Anderson. I swear, they are so much alike. He says "ont bubby" and "I coming" and orders me to "mommy rock" at bedtime then joins in with lots of words to "jesus loves me" and "you are my sunshine" and sleeps with his "puppy" and says sorry even for things he didn't do, plus the great manners with the please and thank yous...and he doesn't say you's but he says "mine's" for anything he thinks is his. Such a shame we don't live closer...I think our kiddos could be such good friends!!!
