Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Eve in the ER

I am so far behind on blogging.  :P  I want to write about all of the fun things we've done throughout this Christmas season - because there were a lot of fun things, and we had a great Christmas - but I am so far behind that I can't get motivated to start.  So I am skipping all of that, hopefully to catch back up later, and writing about our very eventful New Year's Eve...

So New Year's Eve we had plans to go out to eat with friends, and then back to Angie and Wes's to hang out (kid-free!) to watch the ball drop.  (I should add here that I actually spent time trying on outfits because I am sick sick sick of my clothes and feel like I wear the same thing over and over, so I wanted to make an attempt to look cute for New Year's.  I was even going WAY out on a limb to wear black leggings, black boots and a long sweater.  Black leggings = not in my comfort zone.)  So as we are just starting to get ready, and I need to change Ella's diaper.  I took her to her room to change her diaper, and Cooper followed me in there, because you can be sure wherever I go, Cooper will follow.  :)  As I'm changing her diaper, I was talking to Cooper about all of the fun things he was going to do with Grammy when she got there to keep them.  I heard him fall, and by the time I looked behind me he was jumping up, holding his arm, and saying, "Mom, I broke my arm!"  He just had this shocked look on his face.  I was trying to feel on his arm to see if anything felt out of place, and figure out where it hurt, and then I felt this huge, nasty knot on his elbow.  I called Mom to ask her to come on up to the house to keep Ella so we could head to the ER. 

While we were getting on socks and shoes, and waiting on Mom, poor Cooper was in so much pain.  He didn't cry after the first few minutes, but he was really pale, and his face had that pinched look like he was in a lot of pain.  So pitiful.  In the car it was a little better because the car seat supported his arm.  By the time we got back to the hospital, he was his usual smiley, chatty self.  We got there a little before 7:00.  Waited in the waiting room until 8:00.  Went to triage where they gave him some Motrin.  In triage the nurse asked him to look at that stupid pain scale with the faces and tell which one showed they way he felt.  During the time we had been in the room with her, he was laughing and asking questions (What does that do?  What does this do?).  He said, "That one way on the right, with the tears."  Then he grinned really big and we all busted out laughing at him.  It was just so at odds with the way he was acting.  I know it was hurting - but a 10 on the pain scale?  Funny.

So we went back to the waiting room.  About 10 we went back for x-rays, not too long after that we went back to a room.  We finally saw a doctor who told us the arm was in fact broken around 11:45.  He said because of the swelling, they would splint it and then we should go see an ortopedist and get it casted on Monday.  Cooper crashed out at 12:39, and at 12:40 the nurse came in to splint his arm.  At 1:00 we carried a sleepy, splinted, shirtless, blanketed boy out the car.  We finally all went to sleep in our bed at 2:00.

It was a long, long, very long night.  We counted down the time on the big clock in the room, Chris and I kissed Cooper at midnight, and played tons and tons of Angry Birds on my phone.  Cooper was such a trooper, precious to be with all night.  He was only whiney twice - to say, "I am very upset that I am missing my special night with Grammy." and "They are never going to let me go home!"  I totally felt like they were never going to let us go home either, so I could relate.  He even apologized to us that we were missing dinner with our friends and having to spend the night in the ER with him.  He said, "That was not a good choice I made about doing tricks in Ella's chair."  Poor sweet boy.

Here is a video of him talking about his arm:

And here is one of my all time favorite videos of him when he was about Ella's age - 21 months, the first time he broke his arm.

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