Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Hilarity from Cooper B

Randomly on the way home today Cooper was telling me something about Anna checking her boyfriend Chris's blood sugar, and he said, "When I grow up I do not want to get shot-ted like that.  No way.  And I am not going to the hospital to get shot-ted or anything else either.  I don't want to go to the hospital at all.  And I am not driving Ella to the hospital when she has a baby.  She can just drive herself."

/Me: Okay, first of all, no.  We have had this conversation multiple times, and you will not be married to Ella when you grow up.  Remember how Uncle Will and I are brother and sister like you and Ella?  But I married Daddy, and he married Caroline.  You can marry whoever you want.

Cooper: I can marry whoever I WANT?  I don't have to marry Ella?  Well thank goodness.  And whoever I marry will still have to drive themself to the hospital when they have a baby because I do not want to get shot-ted in the hospital.  I'll explain it to her before so she knows.

Me: Coop, of course you can marry whoever you want, and you have to have to drive your wife to the hospital when she's having a baby.  It's only fair since she's the one who's going to have to have the baby.  And you don't get a shot just because you walk in the hospital.

Coop: Mom (with eye roll) - you know I am not afraid of a getting a shot.  I don't want to get SHOT-TED.  That is when you bleed.  That did not look fun.  And can you give me directions on how to get to the hospital when I am grown up?  Because I don't know how to get there on my own.  You know, after you teach me how to drive and stuff?

At this point I just said, "Okay, sure." because I was pretty sure I couldn't handle any more conversation about him driving, getting married, or having a baby just yet.  :P

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