Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ella Kate at 15 Months!

My baby girl is 15 months old!  She has been changing so much lately.  She is just the most fun!  Sweet, loving, mischievous, stubborn, hilarious.  We are all entertained with the personality she has developed!  She loves to give kisses and hugs, loves attention, and adores her brother.  She is also sooooo strong willed, and has the quickest temper (she gets that from her daddy of course).  :)  She will pitch a fit in an instant, but be smiling and happy the next.  She loves to run across the room and hide in the corner when you tell her no or take something away that she's not supposed to have.  If Cooper has to sit in time out, she will run as fast as she can to sit next to him on the time out rug - even if he is in time out for being unkind to her.  Speaking of running, she has the cutest bow legged, wobbly run.  She is so interested in the world around her, loves to pretend play, and read books.  She is talking a lot, mostly in her Chinese sounding gibberish, but with more and more real words too.  So far she can say (with meaning) Mama, Dada, Bubba (for Cooper - she says that 800 times a day at least), Papaw, Nana, Pop, duck, dog, ball, bubbles, bye bye, night night, uh-oh, and no (definitely her favorite, if she says Bubba 800 times a day, she says no 900).  By far the cutest thing she says is her own name.  I will ask, "What's your name?"  or "Who are you?" and she'll respond with, "Eh-yah".  So precious!  She will also say her name when she wants you to look at her.  Like if we're playing in the floor but she wants me to watch her, or let her have a turn she'll say (yell) "Eh-yah, Eh-yah, Eh-yah," until I look at her.  I've been surprised by how little she's been talking at this age compared to Cooper, but she has really taken off lately.  She understands so much of what we say, follows one step commands easily, and seems to grasp the meaning of a lot of words we use.  She can show you where her nose, mouth, tongue, hair, bow, belly, and feet are.  She can oink if you ask what sound a pig makes, but says that a cow says roar.  :)  She is just the most fun, most precious little girl in the world!  Here she is on the 21st, the day she turned 15 months old...

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