Sunday, July 24, 2011

White Lake

We just got back from our annual trip to White Lake, and we had so much fun!  Mom, Dad, Will and his girlfriend Caroline all came this year too.  Cooper fell IN LOVE with Caroline.  His other girlfriends all moved one spot down the list because Caroline is surely #1!  He told me not to worry, that I would always be #0, but that doesn't sound all that great to me.  :P 

Cooper had the best time!  He learned to ski behind the boat.  (He skied last year, but it was with Chris holding the rope at the back of the boat.  This time he came up behind the boat all on his own.  Well - with a little help from Uncle Will and Papaw who each got in the water with him.)  The first day he tried, he had a hard time hanging onto the rope.  He told us that he was going to take a nap, drink a lot of milk so his muscles would get stronger, and try to ski again after that.  He went to play putt-putt every day, astounding us with his putt-putt skills, getting 3 hole in ones the first day.  We went to the pavilion, rode rides and played games.  Cooper played this ball drop game and got the ball in the jack pot slot, so he won 224 tickets.  The lights and alarm went off, and he was pretty pleased with himself.  We played in the water and sand every day until our fingers were wrinkled up like raisins.  He was so excited about every single thing, so sweet and appreciative.  He is such a joy!

Ella loved the water and the sand!  Last year she was not at all excited about being put in the water.  This year she was thrilled to head outside every day.  She does not like her float, preferring to be held, or to stay in the foot high water where she can stand and play on her own.  Miss Independent she is for sure.  She would wake up from her morning nap reaching out of the pack and play saying, "Bubba, Bubba, Bubba," and pointing to the door.  She knew he would be out in the water, and she was ready to go find him!  Such a sweetie!

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